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Agate Housing and Services provides year-round shelter to those experiencing homelessness. The Shelter is located in the FCCM Fellowship Hall. Agate’s goal is to support individuals and families experiencing homelessness in achieving permanent, affordable housing. They progress toward this goal through street outreach, shelter, and housing programs. They meet people where they are and work together toward self-sufficiency and housing stability.

Agate envisions a community in which housing instability is rare, brief and non-recurring, ending homelessness as we know it.

The Agate shelter located at FCCM can be reached at 612-345-7234.

Want to Help? Snacks Needed!

If you are interested in dropping off up to 50 prepackaged snacks for shelter guests who are staying in the FCCM Fellowship Hall, please connect with Karen Linner, 1st CovVolunteer Coordinator, to schedule a drop off date.

ARe you in Need of Shelter?

Individuals seeking shelter in Hennepin County need to call the Hennepin Shelter Hotline at 612-204-8200 for an assessment and placement at one of the Minneapolis shelters or another option.


  • Direct Line:  612.204.8200

  • Hours of operation:

  • 8:00 am – 10:00 pm Monday through Friday

  • 1:00 pm – 9:00 pm on Saturday/Sunday and holidays

  • Callers outside of these hours will be directed to 211
