MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICE IS AT 6PM. Feel free to come early and have some warm soup in the Foyer :)
We hope you’ll join us as we enter Holy Week with our series, "To Make Love Grow.” Religion is useless if it does not cultivate love. The Christ pattern, so evident throughout the Lenten season, invites us to a new way of seeing and participating in the love of God. We began on Ash Wednesday confronted by the frailty of our mortality, and our feeble attempts at self-preservation through our ego-projects of business, religion, and politics. After 40 days of journeying into the wilderness, we arrive at the week of Christ’s passion, where Jesus pulls the weeds of self-preservation, which never bring life, out by their roots, tilling the ground for something new to grow and flourish. This turning over of the soil will almost always initially feel like a death of sorts, but is the necessary cultivation preparing us to both see and participate in the life of God flourishing all around us.
You can listen to past sermons on our website so you can hear more of what we are thinking about together. As you plan to come, here are a few things you may want to know:
You can get here easily via bike, public transportation (light rail or bus), or by car. So you know, you can park for free in our lot (its between the church and the US Bank Stadium)
All are welcome...this means all!
Dress is anything from very casual (like a t-shirt or sweatshirt) to business casual. You can even wear a suit if you prefer...however you want to come dressed to church you will be welcomed.
Children are welcome in the service, though we do have childcare for babies and toddlers (optional). We also have Children's Church which kids go to partway though the service. When you arrive you can ask someone where to bring your kids, and they will be happy to help!
Services last for about an hour and fifteen minutes (approx. 75 minutes).
We rotate preachers, who gives announcements, and who leads worship be sure to come back more than once to really get a feel for the rhythm of our community.
And more than anything...please know you are welcome...come as you are and who you are.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send us a note at
We look forward to meeting you!