"Birthing Hope"
Join us for our Christmas Eve Service on Saturday at 5pm as we continue our Advent Series "A Long Awaited Hope." On this eve our sermon reflection will be "Birthing Hope."
For unto us a child is given, unto us a Savior has been born! In Jesus, the hope of Christ has been birthed into human history. Indeed, God is with us, Emmanuel. The grand reversal that Mary sang of has been initiated! And yet, the story also reminds us that our cosmic hope arrives in frailty and on the margins. Luke’s account of the birth of the Messiah reveals that while, in Jesus our long awaited hope has arrived, that hope comes to us in vulnerability, and must now be nurtured and protected, be given time to grow and mature. For Mary and Joseph, the journey of bearing hope does not end in the stable, it must now be carried into the world.
All are welcome.