Please join us this Sunday March 23rdth at 10am for a Living Justice and Mercy Inside and Out gathering hosted by Carma Gjerning. Refreshments will follow.

Free parking is available at 643 Chicago Ave. S. in Minneapolis.

Our Mission
To Love God and Love All People

Luke 10:27

We Love by Being:

An INCLUSIVE community:    
Accepting, valuing, and respecting all people.

A LISTENING community:      
Listening to each other and to God.

An ADVOCATING community:          
Working for justice and equity.

A COURAGEOUS community:
Willing to be counter-cultural, and to speak truth to power in love.

Making decisions together as a community.

Taking responsibility as individuals to act and contribute.

Growing continually towards greater Christlikeness.

A HUMBLE community:
Teachable, non-judgmental, and open to learning what we don’t know.

A NURTURING community:
Fostering within each other the full expression of our gifts and talents.

A FAITH community:
Trusting in God’s grace, presence, and power to influence all aspects of our lives.

Sunday Gatherings at 10am

Please use the link below to come worship with us!
Click here to view the full calendar.
Note that some of our Gatherings are held at 5pm or at a different location
during US Bank Stadium events which clog the local streets.

 Engage with the Community

Your gifts, talents and energy are needed. Consider joining one of our ministry teams or small groups.

For more information, click here.

Do Justice Love Mercy Facilitation Team
Volunteers who research, plan, and facilitate the monthly gathering.
Team Lead – James Bergstrom

Free Store
1st Cov helps adults from our shelter turn “Housing into Home” when they transition into permanent housing. At the Free Store, people referred by Agate Housing and Services staff may pick out essential household dining and cooking items and linens. You can volunteer for a shift at the Free Store to help clean and organize donations or to help deliver items to apartments.
Volunteer Organizer - Karen Linner